This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Getting Started with `repo2docker`


Teaching: 25 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • What is repo2docker?

  • How does repo2docker use Docker?

  • How can I build, run, and push Docker images from source code repositories?

  • Build a Docker image for your source code repository using repo2docker.

  • Configure the user interface for the resulting Docker image.

  • Push the resulting Docker image to a cloud container registry.

  • Run a Docker container on your local machine using the image built using repo2docker.


Docker…without the hassle!

Installing repo2docker

Using repo2docker

Configuring the User Interface

Choosing Languages for Your Environment



Sharing JupyterLab Workspaces With a Repository

Building JupyterHub Ready Images

Continuous Integration and repo2docker

Key Points

  • repo2docker is a tool that takes a source repository and builds a container image based on the configuration files found in the repository.

  • repo2docker can build an image based on repositories on your local machine or in the cloud (GitHub, GitLab, etc).

  • repo2docker is the tool used by BinderHub to build images on demand.