Installation Instructions
Install Git
First you need to install Git. Instructions for installing Git depend (slightly!) on your operating system and can be found in the Introduction to Git for (Data) Scientists repository.
Install Conda
Next check whether the Conda package management system is installed on your local machine by running the following command in a terminal.
$ which conda
If Conda already exists on your machine, then run the following commands to make sure that you have the most recent version and patches.
$ conda update -y conda
$ conda init
If Conda has not been installed on your machine, then install the Python 3 version of Miniconda from Anaconda for your OS. Once you have installed Conda on your machine run the following commands in make sure that you have the most recent version and patches.
$ conda update -y conda
$ conda init
Install Docker
Finally download and install Docker CE for your operating system. In order to download Docker CE you will need to setup an account with DockerHub.